Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baraka Soundtrack - Michael Stearns

Baraka Soundtrack - Michael Stearns
The word Baraka means "blessing" in several languages; watching this film, the viewer is blessed with a dazzling barrage of images that transcend language. Filmed in 24 countries and set to an ever - changing global soundtrack, the movie draws some surprising connections between various peoples and the spaces they inhabit, whether that space is a lonely mountaintop or a crowded cigarette factory. Some of these attempts at connection are more successful than others: for instance, an early sequence segues between the daily devotions of Tibetan monks, Orthodox Jews, and whirling dervishes, finding more similarity among these rituals than one might expect.

part 1 | part 2



  1. unique film as well as soundtrack - more than worth-sharing ;)

  2. Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for all your work in putting together this torrent blog. I'm new to Buddhist practice and have been trying to absorb as much about it as I can. This has been a great resource! Thanks! :)
